Technical -
Forest school of the Marshes
Year: 2023
Studio: 3.4
The technical exploration of the Forest School of the Marshes project entails an investigation of materiality and function, with the goal of seamlessly integrating into the existing site and landscape. This integration involves the incorporation of all existing elements on the site, such as the boathouse and concrete platform, to construct a primary school with a specific focus on nature and exploration.
Though this, the primary materials employed are Rammed Earth and Tarred Timber. These materials are sourced from on-site resources, including sand from the local beach and reclaimed timber from old boats. The chosen materials possess properties that not only enhance the experience and playfulness for the children but also allow the school to serve as an exploratory playground. Furthermore, they contribute to the school's longevity through the use of Tarred Timber, while providing excellent thermal and noise insulation through the use of Rammed Earth.